Euphoric response for Maa’s Choice Chapatti Atta Stall at Manchester Mega Mela

Euphoric response for Maa’s Choice Chapatti Atta Stall at Manchester Mega Mela

Euphoric response for Maa’s Choice Chapatti Atta Stall at Manchester Mega Mela


Maa’s Choice Chapatti Atta – a new brand of chapatti flour launched in May 2015 and in an endeavour to interact and engage with the consumers, the brand participated in their first Mela since their launch. Here and Now 365 represented Maas Choice Chapatti Atta at Manchester Mega Mela 2015 and it was heartening to see the response and adulation received from mothers for a new brand.

Women and children of all ages queued up at the stall to find out more about the Atta and try their luck at winning a bag of 10kg Maa’s Choice Medium or Fine White Atta.

The highlight of the activity was the “Maa’s Choice Win a 10kg Chapatti Atta Challenge” which gave people a chance to walk away with a bag of 10kg Atta by participating in a 30 second voucher grabber challenge. 200 bags of Chapatti Atta were won over 2 days.

Manish Tiwari, Managing Director, Here and Now 365 said: “At HNN, we believe in the power of women and we recommend engaging ideas to our clients for outreach and events. If the activity is engaging enough, people will embrace the brand and talk about it for weeks to come.”

Never before had Manchester Mega Mela received so much of excitement and adulation from festival goers for a trade stall. The crowd at the Maa’s Choice Chapatti Atta Stall was only second to the performances by Imran Khan and Mumzy Stranger on the main stage, thus speaking volumes about the popularity of the activity and the word of mouth generated for the brand.


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